How to save the economy

As usual, when things go wrong, nobody asks me for help until it’s too late.  And Natural Products News seems a funny place to solve the UK’s financial problems, but here goes anyway:

Every day we all pour money into banks and take money out.

Every year HM Treasury collects our taxes and pours it into the banks and it never comes out.  The banks are in a precarious position, so they borrow money at ½% interest and lend it out at 5-29% interest and this helps them to recover their gambling debts and rebuild their balance sheets.cra

We can’t let the banks go down because they’d drag us all down with them.  If a bank goes bust, someone will pick up your debt to the bank from the receiver, there’s no escape

So how on earth can we rebuild the economy and put our banks on a solid footing?  I have 2 ideas: short-dated cash and green jobs


Instead of giving the banks the estimated £325 billion that they needed to stay afloat -  just put the money into the public domain.  There are 50 million adults in the UK.  If the Treasury gave every adult £6500 that would be equivalent to what they’ve done by creating money out of thin air to bail out the banks by ‘quantitative easing.’ 

They could give out £1000 every other month for 12 months.  Give it out in short dated £50 notes that expire 2 months from the date of issue.  That would force every person in the UK to go out and spend money on something.  It would be like a rush of adrenalin to the economy.  It would all end up in the banks eventually, but at least on the way it would have made a lot of businesses profitable and helped people pay off their mortgages.   You could restrict the expenditure to UK produced goods and services, to really keep the money local. 


In 1933 the US had record unemployment during the Great Depression.  Talk of revolution was in the air

First RC + MJ = GG where RC stands for Reduced Carbon, MJ for More Jobs and GG for Green Growth. Secondly, EC + R > NO where EC stands for Energy Conservation, R for Renewables and NO for Nuclear Option (In maths > indicates greater than). In other words if the government is planning to spend £100bn to meet our energy requirements, should it spend it on conservation and renewables or on getting Russia or China to build a new generation of nuclear reactors. In political as well as purely economic terms this is a "no brainer"